A Glance at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro known as Udinus is a Private University (PTS) that was officially established in 2001 with the Decree of the Minister of National Education of Indonesia No. 196/D/O/2001. Located in the heart of the capital city of Central Java, Semarang City, Udinus is a prominent private university majoring in information technology and entrepreneurial education.

This technopreneur campus has managed to achieve the Best Institutional Accreditation status, namely Excellent or Unggul, which was issued by BAN-PT No. 107/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/PT/III/2022 and also entitled the best private tertiary institution in Central Java in the Unirank 2022 version. The Informatics Engineering Study Program was also awarded the best study program in the field of Computer Science by Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) 2022. Udinus has graduated more than 40 thousand alumni spread from 34 provinces in Indonesia to overseas. Udinus manages 22 study programs ranging from diploma, bachelor, master to doctoral degrees where all of the study programs provide the students with information technology and entrepreneurship insights.

To contribute further in the field of education, Udinus provides a Study Program outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) which is located in Kediri City, East Java. Furthermore, there is a Distance Learning program in Lombok where all learning activities are performed online.

The technopreneurship provision given to Udinus students is also balanced with the preservation of cultures which characterizes Indonesia as a nation with a huge diversity of cultures. This was manifested in e-gamelan innovation which succeeded in making Indonesia proud by appearing on the Unesco Culture stage, in Paris, France. To accommodate the creativity of the students, Udinus has also facilitated a local TV channel called TVKU (Televisi Kampus UDINUS), to be used by all students to experience the industrial world directly.

Udinus students are representatives of the younger generation who are literate in technology and information and are ready to become entrepreneurs to bring Indonesia to develop even further.

Graduate Testimonials